Located in the heart of Madison Square is one of the most haunted places in Savannah, Georgia is the Sorrel-Weed House. The house was built for Francis Sorrel, a prominent businessman who later became romantically involved with one of his slaves named Molly.
Despite the affair, Molly was said to be very close to Francis’ wife Matilda who considered her to be confidant and friend. Molly was so close to Matilda that she lived in the Carriage house behind the home so she could be closer to the family.
According to legend, Matilda saw Molly with her husband one night in the carriage house. Matilda was so distraught by this betrayal that she threw herself off the balcony and died. Molly was later found hanging in the Carriage House. One theory is that she felt so guilty she killed herself but another theory is that she was murdered by an angry Francis who blamed her for the death of his wife.
Either way, the carriage house of the Sorrel-Weed House is said to be extremely haunted. People who work in the home claim Molly still resides upstairs in her old quarters in the carriage house.
Several years ago while on a tour of the carriage house, my phone locked up while I was trying to record a video in the carriage house. While I was trying to talk to Molly, the phone went from acting normally to half the phone showing a black screen to the other half showing slanted squiggly lines. What happened to my phone that day had never happened prior, and it’s never happened since.