Tennessee Ghost Stories: Dean Hill

In November 1932 a wealthy Chicago businessman named Joseph F. Hirt became disoriented in bad weather and crashed his plane into Dean Hill in Kempville, Tennessee, just outside of Carthage. Onboard the aircraft was his wife, Inez as well as their friend Elizabeth Hunter and her two children.

When authorities discovered the wreckage, Hirt was found with literally every bone in his body broken. Every person onboard the plane was dead with the exception for the 2 year old daughter of Elizabeth Hunter. The young girl held on throughout the night but succumbed to her injuries the following morning.

Since the tragic crash, people have claimed to hear a little girl crying around the area where the plane crashed. It’s also said that a man has also been spotted walking up and down those dark country backroads at night. Whenever anyone stops to help, the figure slowly disappears.

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