Tunnels Under the City Cemetery

Secret tunnels underneath a cemetery? The Nashville City Cemetery has them.

After the Civil War strange things started happening in the City Cemetery, most of which centered 鈥榬ound the vault of a prominent judge in Middle Tennessee, Judge John McNairy. According to sextons and grave diggers, white shadowy figures were often spotted rising up out of his family鈥檚 large vault after the sun had gone down.

It鈥檚 believed that the City Cemetery was built on top of a large cave that links up with an escape tunnel that was dug by Federal soldiers at nearby Fort Negley. White figures that were spotted coming out of the McNairy vault were initially thought to be ghosts but may have actually been Ku Klux Klan members who met at the old, abandoned Union fort nearby.

In addition to the supposed ghosts, there are records of people hearing voices as well as the sounds of laughter, moaning and screaming coming from the McNairy vault over the years.

If you鈥檇 like to learn more about the Nashville City Cemetery, Fort Negley and the secret tunnels check out my latest book Southern Ghost Stories: South Nashville. It鈥檚 available at Amazon.com It鈥檚 actually free to read if you have Kindle Unlimited.

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