The Beast of Sugar Flats Road

The Beast of Sugar Flats Road

The story of the Beast of Sugar Flats Road is one of eeriest legends in Middle Tennessee. No one knows the name of the man involved, nor can anyone say for sure exactly what happened on that fateful night in 1989. What is certain, however, is that a strange, severed head, matted with light, coarse…

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Phantoms in the Factory

The Factory in Franklin, Tennessee stands as a stoic testament to the industrial dreams of a bygone era, its haunted history woven into the very fabric of its weathered walls. In 1929, amidst the ominous shadow of the Great Depression, the Allen Manufacturing Company birthed this 310,000-square-foot manufacturing behemoth half a mile northeast of the…

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Tunnels Under the City Cemetery

Secret tunnels underneath a cemetery? The Nashville City Cemetery has them. After the Civil War strange things started happening in the City Cemetery, most of which centered ‘round the vault of a prominent judge in Middle Tennessee, Judge John McNairy. According to sextons and grave diggers, white shadowy figures were often spotted rising up out…

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Hank’s at the Ryman

While Hank Williams Sr had the unfortunate distinction of being the first person to be kicked out of the Grand Ole Opry, there are many who believe that he has stuck around the Ryman Auditorium in downtown Nashville. According to former stage manager Tim Thompson, the Ryman is haunted by the iconic Hank Williams Sr….

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Knoxville’s Doctor Frankenstein

In early August 1829 Presbyterian minister and East Tennessee College professor Dr. Stephen Foster met with 24-year-old James White and 60-year-old Joshua Young in jail in Knoxville, Tennessee. Both men were convicted murderers and scheduled to be hanged. As a man of science and faith Dr. Foster had an eerie fascination with galvanism that stemmed…

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The Haunted House in the Zoo

Built from 1800 to 1805 the Croft House on the grounds of the Nashville Zoo is the second oldest house in Davidson County. After falling behind on property taxes, Margaret and Elise Croft made a deal to donate 200 acres and the home that had been in their family for five generations to a local…

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