Lucille-Clement Hall on the campus of ETSU is said to be one of the most haunted places in East Tennessee. In a previous post I discussed the plane crash that took place on the school grounds in 1985. In addition to the hauntings that are attributed to one of the plane crash victims is another ghost known as “The Marble Boy”.
According to Johnson City lore, the son of a school janitor in the mid-20th century was playing on either the roof or the elevator shaft, depending on which version you have heard. Either way, the end of the story is the same. The playful child ends up chasing his marbles and winds up dying from a fall!
Over the years, students have heard the sound of marbles being spilled in the hallways in the middle of the night. For years, students have claimed to have been jolted out of bed by the sounds of hundreds of marbles being dropped onto the floor. In addition to the marbles, there have also been stories about a young boy has been seen peering out of the dorm windows late at night. Some have even claimed to have heard him laughing and playing in the hall.
Have you seen the Marble Boy?