On North Church Street in Murfreesboro, Tennessee is an unassuming building that is now home to Puckett’s. However, don’t be fooled by their delicious smoked ribs. The basement of the building is said to be one of the most haunted places in middle Tennessee.
Several of the employees that work in the restaurant have told me that they hate going into the dark, dimly lit basement and feel that something down there is watching their every move. A few of them have told me they’ve heard strange noises in not just the basement, but upstairs after the establishment has closed for the night.
Two local ghost hunters told me that they have picked up numerous EVPs downstairs in the 100+ year old building. One of the EVPs even demanded that the paranormal investigators “Get Out!”
If you want to learn more about the hauntings around the Murfreesboro Square please check out my book Southern Ghost Stories: Murfreesboro, Spirits of Stones River. It’s available to read for free if you have Kindle Unlimited.